Linda Grace Byers

True Blue Michelle Young

Christian Inspiration

I have a friend whose eyes flash, they are deep pool blue, true blue. She is the most elegant and thoughtful person I have ever know and her focus is always on relationship. She shares her life, her insights, her gleaned wisdom and observations, with the intention of edifying the one with whom she is relating~she is masterful with her communication skills. I am her student and writing this brings a smile to my face because she deserves much acclaim as a model of femininity and strength and when she reads this, she will blush deeply for being acknowledged so. She isn’t shy or demurring, there is no facade or playing at being someone else, she speaks truth, lives truth, loves herself and others and it shows. Now before you start to think she is all sugary sweet, re read the intro sentence to this blog…her eyes flash, as in lightening flash. Yeah, that’s the part I really dig, because when she gets all fired up, her eyes speak volumes and once, just once, after all these years, her opinion came at me unrestrained and unchecked. I sit here grinning and contemplating my next line, appreciating how close we have gotten…she apologized today for giving her opinion, unsolicited, something she is loathe to do (unsolicited opinion giving I mean). Funny that, I consider her to be one of my wise whispers and am always grateful for her personality, presence and perceptive discernment. Happy sad mad disappointed irritated angry frustrated jovial playful sarcastic sardonic seriously fun, give them all to me all wrapped up in one neat pretty true blue eyed lady named Michelle Young and I’m a happy camper. They don’t make them like they used to~Michelle is a throw back, an anachronism in this me first society. She models the good life of integrity and commitment to the betterment of society, aren’t I a lucky gal for having her in my life? I love you Michelle Young, YOU are unique, hug kiss and long lashed flirty girl eye batting of love sent your way today, with abiding affection, LGB

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