Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Submission to God, means love at all costs. Two definitions are called for here: the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another; the condition of having submitted to the control by something or someone else. I have resisted submission, I have rebelled against it, I have vainly stubbornly donkey like objected to the power and control of another, much to my shame and detriment. Man against God, it makes me laugh to think of the ridiculousness of the concept. I smirk as I write, considering the folly and the traps that have been set before me, the ones my ego so willingly indulge for the sake of self aggrandizement! Ha…an ego fix lasts but a moment, only to be replaced rapidly with a need for another ego adrenalin hit. My word and the intention attached to it for the year 2014 was surrender and lo and behold, I have gleaned a huge lesson this very night, the day of my birth counting backward 48 years. Follow Spirit, follow Spirit, I will lead, all you need do is follow Me…this takes me through and down and around dark corridors of unknowns and it is the Light I follow, the whisper breathed into my ear, the tug on my heart that draws me inextricably along, a lamb or in my case, a rambunctious goat, heeding the call of The Shepard. I thought my work was heavy, that lifting souls up to God was part and parcel of my duties, childlike I thought maybe God needed my help, this is the funniest part of it all! He chooses, He changes Hearts and He cherishes His created far more than this frail and ego laden goat ever can or will. Phew, what I relief. If I truly believe in God, The One God of The Bible, I trust that The Beatitudes are His gift to me and that He has the whole world in His hands and my little hands, well they are raised up, palms open, receiving what I want, need, no gift held back from me. It feels good to submit, I am free this night to Love without fear that I will fail…failure is a given for me, but never for my Maker, He leads, I follow. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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