Summon, “to call for the presence of, as by command, message or signal,; call”. This is the word a friend used to describe the communication we had prior to our actual communication. Here is what I mean: I was sending a message to a friend and while doing so, a name popped up on my screen and I was somewhat surprised…within the very next second, the person to whom the name belongs, sent me a text message. My eyes bulged, a little stunned with the instantaneous occurrence. We have all had similar experiences where you think of someone you haven’t seen in quite sometime and then you see them or they call…it is always a wonder and in conversation we say something like “this is crazy, I was JUST thinking about you!” Precognition, a knowing that is later confirmed, a sense that is undeniable and proven in the flesh at a later date. I told my friend that I had better pay attention today, for my summons may come in many shapes and forms and it is a call to service when this brilliant phenomenon happens. The veil is thin, between the physical and spiritual realms. We move through this life in a trance until we start to notice, sense, feel into what we perceive and the intangibles become more substantial and palpable than the mere what we can touch and prove with our hands things. I am torn, the physical wants to hold me fast to earthly things, my spirit wants to soar and fly freely…it is summoning me to the Heavens.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a