It is easy to jump on the bandwagon when someone else has taken a good hard swallow and forged bravely ahead blazing a trail. Stepping out into no mans land is both thrilling and terrifying and contemplation makes the stepping out bittersweet and enduring. There comes a time when the body moves without permission, it is without decision, impelled to go and do and there is no stoppage, impossible does not exist as a concept and I/you find yourself transported in time and space and suddenly there is a still point, a reconciling with the now. Where am I and how did I get here? Here is only part way and it is the brave of heart that continue there voice in the wilderness trek to places unknown and yet mysteriously assured. I wander broken in the desert, the stars lighting the sky, I stumble cut by a cactus, a physical reminder that I am human, I bleed…I lie supine in the rough dry grass mixed with dirt and stone, humbled before my God, the dawning of my wrestling with what was and what shall be. The great chasm closes and I am one with His plan, His calling me forth to my divinely intended identity. I surrender, conforming to the image of Christ for my own sake, and the the sake of those He wants to claim as His own. He knows His sheep, he calls them by name and they that know Him recognize His voice, The Good Shepherd, they are impelled to draw near. Thy Will not mine Lord…
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a