Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Rewritten May 1st, 2020

Holy Spirit Intel

Homing Pigeons: they are harbingers, something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone else.

These birds have historically been employed as messengers and in war time, great distances at significant speed were crossed for the sake of lives being saved with the delivery of messages. How do they do this? They use the sun for direction and when cloudy, they use the earths magnetic field. They sense where they are and where they need to go, employing a map and compass system. The latest findings regarding pigeons directional abilities suggest they use primarily magnetic cues.

Magnetically drawn home 

The pull for a pigeon

The pull for a pigeon is felt, it is natural, it is irresistible; it is their way of locating and then eventually, returning home. The fact that humans discovered and have utilized these amazing abilities points to the ingenuity of man and bird working together to create a delivery system that works. An outstanding concept, that captures the imagination, and yet, if we stay here, on the mechanics, we risk loosing sight of the importance of this conveyance system.

While the system is brilliant, its significance is celestial: it is the message that holds substance, the foreshadowing of something or someone approaching.

Human harbingers
There are maps and a compass to guide us dear one, with human harbingers that read both with the efficiency of homing pigeons. When the sun is hiding as guiding light in the cover of clouds, these detectors of something or someone approaching begin cooing their message. I am reminded of scripture, and Gods presence among the Israelites whilst they sojourned in the desert:

“By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or by night” (Exodus 13:21).

Moses was a human harbinger, when the people were too afraid to relate to God directly, for fear of dying:

‘… and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die” (Exodus 20:19).

Dear reader, there are many human harbingers and they are speaking to us from history and they are shouting to us in our present. Like John the Baptist in the wilderness, they have an undiluted message, given to them by the Son: sharing what they have heard from God is magneticallly irresistible. They are drawn to us to tell us what they know as a warning: they simply cannot help it.

We can hear the heavy landing of footsteps
Something is coming, someone is coming. When we listen closely, we can hear the heavy landing of footsteps with the sinister approach. Some want to cover their eyes and stop up their ears to prevent the seeing, the hearing, the knowing; others look to the messenger for truth and guidance, heeding the warning.

What defence have you
What dear one, will you do?
Can you see, do you hear, what is happening all around you?
What map and compass do you consult for your understanding?
Is your freedom an inalienable right, or are you, like many before you, one of the sleepy lambs that will be led to your own slaughter?
What defence have you for your choices, when you have been warned, and have not heeded?

Who, dear reader, do you trust, to deliver the truth so that you can return safely, home?

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