Linda Grace Byers

Getting Unstuck

Christian Inspiration

Stuck is a theme I have been noticing a whole lot lately. Regardless of the messenger for this theme, the encouragement for getting unstuck has been similar, that “getting unstuck begins when our hope exceeds our circumstances”, this quote I borrow with permission from my life affirming Pastor, Jon Korkidakis. The spark of hope, it is the evidence of things yet unseen and somehow believed and definitely longed for. The longing is the beginning point for movement forward, toward the whatever “it” may be that captures the attention and desire. Urgency must outweigh circumstances for change to occur and this is the do or die point in life, the I must do SOMETHING or I/it, the thing I want most, will forever be lost. Hesitate, wait or worse yet, forfeit the risk by staying where you find yourself being stuck and you not only lose what was yours to claim, you lose the miracle that was waiting for you and along with it, the downward pull to despair may threaten to engulf, smothering and snuffing out the small flicker of hope that needed only your breath of life to grow into a flame of claim. What is so important that if you stay stuck, the loss feels like the beginning of death? What must you feel, acknowledge, admit to to get unstuck and live your life as though it were YOUR OWN to live?  My own, your own life…this is our one shot as far as we know, what do you hope for, what do you want and what are you willing to do to move towards your hearts desire? Stuck in the muck or forward toward, you decide. 

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