An internal warning system is built into the human being and when the humans batteries are fully charged, this system detects threat, danger, and eminent disaster by sending signals from brain to body, body to brain, eyes to feet as in run, a cow with horns is baring down on me and if I don’t get out of this field, I’m going to be impaled. This system is sensitive and is subject to malfunction, override, unnecessary rewiring and disconnect. Here is an example: your child, friend, partner, co-worker is heading out the door and you suggest “drive safely” or “be good” or “be careful”. What? Seriously, WHAT? Now the child, friend, partner, co-worker has received a message, a seed has been planted that it isn’t safe out there and without processing the information, the directive that has been given, there is a growth. The seed has broken through its outer casing and implanted in the pysche and has taken root, reaching down into dark crevices and around uncharted corners, an insidious poisonous plant of foreign descent, meaning the host body did not plant it there and as the plant grows, creeping its way into ever cell, it is fed and watered by outside sources, the very same ones that planted the seed in the first place. Ensnared, the host feels the grip, the plant has taken over and threatens to strangle in its hold on the human. Until Truth, Wisdom, Life, Light, Love are spoken and then something happens, the plant starts to shrivel and wither and the human digs down, begins pruning and eventually, digs deep enough to see roots and by this time, the roots are barely holding on, unable to maintain their grip because the hate of lies and fear have not been fertized, watered, given the breath of life. Fear or Faith? You are wonderfully made by a Master Craftsman, with built in mechanisms for brilliance and majesty…let no man, or poisonous plant, steal your birthright.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a