Linda Grace Byers

Death, the great thief

Christian Inspiration

Death is the great thief, separating us from one another in an earthy surreal way. Memories play tricks on us, replaying captured video of laughter, knowing looks of love and compassionate understanding, connecting me, to you, forever. I think of my Father as I write, feeling sadness wash over me, wanting him close and knowing that in this life, he is never far and yet, he is a whisper, a rustle of leaves, a presence that I can neither see nor touch, only long for. A close friend got the call, you know, the one that forever lodges black and heavy in the heart~your Father died, these are the words her unknowing ears had to receive and transmit to the rest of all of her. Incomprehensible, unacceptable, unknowable, choiceless death, the reminder that I did not make me, you did not make you and we do not choose our own existence or departure~to say otherwise is cruel because it means we willingly leave vast sucking holes of sorrow behind us for those that long for our remaining, one last look, one last cuddle, one last I love you. The loss is unbearable and the world becomes a grey never never land, a whole person gone from sight, except in the video of the mind, the heart. I grieve now, for the loss of my Father, gone 14 years ago as my heart aches for my friend and her loving Daddy, James Albert Coppard, gone from this world to become a gentle breeze, a whisper of I am still here, with you. Melanie, my heart breaks for your loss, this is in loving memory of your Dad, Jim Coppard. 

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