Linda Grace Byers

Wellness is a Choice

Christian Inspiration

February 10th 2014 marks the day I recommitted to my own wellness. Self care is a choice and takes conscious effort. This statement seems contrary, that choice requires effort and yet, the Truth of the matter is that thoughts really do become things and so, in order to make wellness mine, I had to do some thinking on the matter, before it became, well…matter. Follow me: I was steadily gaining weight and my eating habits appeared to have a life of their own, they were a personality, a representation of what was going on inside. I was like a race car driver and my exercise and food and or drink consumption had variable speeds. Friday nights were break neck, careless indulgences reminiscent of the thank God it’s Friday mentality that was encoded from grade school Monday-Friday indoctrination, with extra calories consumed as a celebratory hey I made it through another week attitude, woo hoo for me extravaganza. Saturday’s may or may not have had the seem cut loose feeling and by Sunday, I was looking forward to the clean eating and excercise patterns that go along with the start of a work week. If ANY of this sounds familiar, describes what you have or are experiencing, than you are in good company and as it were, sleepy company. Sleepy physically, because this type of body abuse impacts energy levels and the ability to pay attention and focus, and on a metaphorical level, you have been living as though you have been sleep walking…the evidence is yours to assess. I am not a pattern, I am a living breathing choice able human being imbued with the brilliance of my God. This shell I’m in is my Temple, with the Holy Spirit residing in me as my Guide. I am awake, alert, lively, well and it, the wellness, was and is mine to claim. Being awake means being aware. What is is what YOU have created, not some thing that has HAPPENED to you. If you are reading this, you have your own knowing of what it means to choose. Wellness is a choice. 

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