Linda Grace Byers

Dancing Eyes

Christian Inspiration

Laughter. It is so underrated by some. Listen to the conversations around you, the seriousness of tone, the heaviness of presence, the lack of inclination to go towards the Light. Last night I was in exceptional company, with lots of laughter. The personalities in the room were large and each person gathered had their own brand of wit. There was something spectacular about the interplay in the group and the eruption into laughter or in one instance, a sardonic grin with a small chuckle that spread like wildfire, one stick person at a time until we were all laughing. This morning, I recall the feeling and I have laughed out loud countless times already today. World peace? It ain’t gonna happen and when it does, it will be a sign of the beginning of the end of this life as we know it. I remember a line from Voltaire “God is playing to an audience that is afraid to laugh”…ah, how true this is. If God likes to play and laugh, and I believe this to be true, than perhaps taking ourselves too seriously is part of the joke? Laugh a little, cry a little, laugh while you are crying, there is room for all of this and so much more. I like to look for signs of life, signs of laughter in eyes, that’s when I know that I am in good company. Dancing eyes never lie. 

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