Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

No. On a train ride to Toronto last weekend I had the pleasure of being seated next to a near 90 year old woman. We spoke of many things and at one point I asked “to what do you attribute your longevity.” Her reply was the word no and she explained “there is one extra letter in yes compared to no. If you say no you can always say yes later…yes is a commitment”. The same adage applies to salt, you can’t take it out after you have added too much…it could ruin a meal. This makes me think of the no that comes repeatedly and vehemently from human two year olds as they assert themselves when adults attempt to impose upon them. It goes something like “eat your peas, they are good for you”. This is the beginning of the breaking of the word and will behind the word no. We are creatures of conformity, not naturally, no is far more natural than yes, it happens gradually to please another, and symptoms of pain, disease, depression, physical ailments and long suffering insecurities are the evidence of having said yes when what we really wanted to say is NO. In coaching, there is an introduction to the concept of no, imagine, having to teach others this God given right, in a free country? Biblically, Matthew 5:37 tells us “But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’, anything beyond these is of evil.” How many times has yes gotta YOU into trouble? 

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Linda Grace Byers

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Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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