Linda Grace Byers

Hearts & Factory Settings

Christian Inspiration

Returning hearts to their factory setting. I love children, dogs and the elderly, because when left to their own devices, their natural inclinations, they are completely 100% themselves. Kids have huge hearts, they see and know things based on observation and instinct and when they trust someone, it is with abandon. Dogs are the same, the love is real and forthcoming and so is the honest to goodness reaction they have when threatened and sensing danger. The elderly, when free, don’t really give a damn about offending, they have paid their dues and tell “it” like “it” is so to speak, a brand of honesty that can be trusted. I’m in the in between of life, a child no more and while I feel no where near to being elderly, I do like and enjoy the options available to both age groups and I live them, daily, more and more. My work on this earth is to be a soul tour guide, to be with others as they find their way home, back to their heart and their original factory setting. I have found my heart on my return trip home and it is glorious. The path I travel has room for more, I welcome fellow travellers.

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Linda Grace Byers

Sexual Sin

Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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