While in San Fransisco recently, I had a Lyft driver named Oscar. He is a young man in his early twenties. We spoke about his newly approved citizenship, that he had been living in the states since childhood and became a citizen a short time ago.The details are fuzzy to me now~I wasn’t taking notes during the ride and it was 6 a.m. While the specifics of his story may be fun facts, it is the essence of Oscar that I attempt here to capture, he impressed me greatly with his natural wisdom and peaceful presence. Oscar had a lot to lose as a kid, being an immigrant. He could see far into the furture that mistakes, wrong moves, a criminal record would detour him from the life of choice and freedom he knew was available to him in the United States. Being deported loomed in his young mind and with the long term goal of staying, belonging, holding his place in society and community, he chose repeatedly to stay at peace with those around him who sought to engage him in fight, arguments, law breaking. His philosophy is “then what?” As in if I do this, then what will happen? I am struck as I write by the deep knowing this young man has, of the now, the future and outcomes.THIS is emotional intelligence, when a person holds their own and can’t be swayed to disregard or dishonour themselves in the heat of the moment. Perhaps self respect is the huge bottom line here and that all things are added to this love of self, wanting the best for myself, you wanting the best for yourself and making choices based on this truth. It is not hedonistic, it is not selfish, this love, it is the starting place for peace within and evidence of this becomes a display for others to witness, experience, soak in and wonder about. One of my heroes is Norman Vincent Peale, he marvelled at the greatness in humanity, I follow in his footsteps, grateful for the lessons along the way. If I do this…then what? Thank you Oscar Barahona, for reminding me that one moment in time invariably leads to the next, and the next and so on, off into infinity~each moment and the choices therein count.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a