Linda Grace Byers

Elephant Sighting

Christian Inspiration

Hi. This simple word can be the start of a beautiful relationship. Hi, hello, these are small inivitations, itty bitty gateways to secret soul gardens. I am about to state the obvious~when out in public human beings are bound to encounter other human beings and each time we do, we get to decide what that will be like, at least for us. I like people and when someone is approaching and about to pass me in the opposite direction, I like to make eye contact, smile and say a quick hello or good morning, some kind of greeting that acknowledges their presence, a way for them to know that they are noticed. When the other does not look my way, especially when we are only two, it saddens me, it feels like a lost opportunity for the exchange of pleasantry, an inexpensive way of showing another that they are valuable. I met an elephant on a pathway recently. My urge was to say hello and I did and she met me there, welcoming me into her soul garden with her eyes, heart opened wide. We started a friendship (she is a human, part of the elephant tribe) and I am so grateful because for some powerful reason that I cannot yet explain, we were meant to meet, to share and as it turns out, we have our faith in common and this alone is a gift beyond measure. We live far apart and yet, I feel her in my heart and because we were both willing to share, my short time in her company has left a lasting impression. Fearless, I am a fearless follower of Christ and He leadith me to green pastures where many a wild elephant roams. I dedicate this to you Shera Johnson, you have left huge stomp marks on my heart, much love, Linda Byers. 

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