Linda Grace Byers

Sweet Release

Christian Inspiration

Without safety, you don’t have anything~I read this recently in a book and this premise speaks loudly and clearly into all aspects of human experience. Great fears come from insecurity, a boundless rampant sense that danger lurks and imaginable and unimaginable horrors await where traps and deep pitfalls strewn on the path of life threaten to drop and than engulf the hapless victim. Pick a fear, any fear, yours or someone else’s and along side will chase and follow, perhaps lead from the front, the many tag along story lines that give the fear personality and convincing life like qualities as you breath into the fear, enlivening it.  Let’s take one of my fears…even as I say this and step out onto the limb, I feel the branch beneath my feet grow thinner, my heart races and I contemplate dare I, dare I go into the dark?  Vulnerability makes me feel weak and I hesitate, what if I share and regret it, what if I step out further, to the near end of the branch turned into wafer thin can’t hold my weight limb?  Which fear do I share?  My ego wants to protect me, have me share a noble fear and my humility, what my spirit longs for puts it’s foot down and says be honest now, you started this safety/fear thing, hold, stay, work through it…my fear, my fear, how do I name it…my fear is holding me captive and now I will speak it boldly so that the chains are broken. My fear is that I will speak and what I say will be dismissed, rejected as unworthy. Yes, this is a true statement and with it comes the mute button, the one my fear tries to press to keep me from experiencing the rejection:  if I don’t speak, I can’t be rejected~it is better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt…good God, this liar has been with me for a very long time.  Yes, I may be thought the fool by speaking AND I may be thought of as brilliant, witty, sharp, any number of wonderful things. Ahhhh, sweet release, sweet public may be rejected AND who gives a damn release. What are you afraid of?

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