Linda Grace Byers

Life Savers

Christian Inspiration

The dark side of the sun.  This is my thought as I contemplate the dark and bright of me. Listening to music can make me laugh, new song, cry, new song, dance, new song fall into despair.  Of course this is the point of music, feeling and being moved and how amazing for artists when this is the response they have to their artistry.  I am empathic and humans make me feel and sometimes the emotions are so overwhelming that they consume me.  Left to my own devices, I am a rather joyful person and the impact I have on others is energizing. When I sense, hear, see turmoil, I become super hero saviour, Linda to the rescue, and I fight hard for others to stand up for themselves, not be beaten down, fight for their right, to party…I mean really, their right to joy and life abundant, unencumbered…free from human tethers around their necks.  Rescue is anti coaching, it is NOT seeing others as naturally creative resourceful and whole and this is a tenant I work toward integrating as a powerful coach who helps others see and feel and live their own powerful lives of choice.  I thanked my great new friend Amy Day today, for loving me after my trying to rescue her when she wasn’t even drowning!  We laughed at the vision that came to her: “I had an image of you shoving a life vest on me while I was enjoying a swim”.  Next time I will use Life Savers, the only candy with the hole in the middle. Helping and serving means listening and hearing, not fixing…oh coaching, how I do love thee and all the friends I have made through you.  This is for you hoppy, Amy Day, for the laughter and the learning, xo

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