Linda Grace Byers

Band Aids

Christian Inspiration

One of my fabulously bright coaching friends gave me the gift of an amazing metaphor today. We are all broken in one way or another and the beauty of self awareness, the hard work of uncovering what ails us, is the discovery of the healing available to those who seek wholeness. I find this in my relationship with God, my knowing the alive and ever present Jesus Christ as Saviour, the quiet calm gentle and compelling whisper and sometimes loud voice of The Holy Spirit, they are my medicine.  I have memories of a poisonous work environment and to cope, I kept my Bible close at hand~it was my emergency manual, my how do I survive and what do I say, do, go to place.  That job threatened my well being and by the time I left, I felt broken battered and bruised. I tell this story as a point of comparison, the than me and the now me.  What was at one time a threat, no longer holds any power over me.  My need for emergency room God care has become a lighter, more like first aid for minor scratches and cuts (yes, paper cuts are included in this metaphor) need and as I take off protective bandaids from these cuts, healing and wholeness is revealed underneath, no sign of injury remains.  God is love, He is Healer, Wonderful Counsellor, and He has made me whole…Much love to my divinely inspired, metaphor gifted coach friend Jane Reid.

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