Linda Grace Byers

Conformity Kills

Christian Inspiration

Yesterday I started the process to become a coach teaching dance to Special Olympic athletes. I was invited to do so by one of my all time favourite people, a close friend, Paula Kerr. Yesterday she and her partner in fun, Eric, taught the athletes to dance while drumming on stability balls. I joined in. The me that wants to get it right, follow the leader and master the activity showed up and at first, I noticed that the other participants weren’t as keen on playing follow the leader which made me wonder if it was choice or inability to follow?  I had a rude awakening, while I tried so hard to conform, the rest of the group was in sync with the leaders when they choice to be, when it suited them and when it didn’t, they were creative, drumming, singing and dancing to the music with unrestricted joy, making the experience their own while enjoying community. The unity in the group was tangible, and as I realize the gift I was offered, I took it, I cut the self conscious do it the right way according to someone else ego tether and I danced and sang and periodically missed a beat and I had FUN.  Conformity kills the spirit, creativity, it is a buzz kill a joy sucker.  God wants me to learn to be myself AND love it.  Some of us know this naturally, some of us need to be taught, I am learning, being taught…and it is good. 

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