Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Striving is a tiresome endeavour.  This is not a new discovery, flow is. Being in the flow means I don’t have to have all of the answers, reasons, particulars. In the past, these items were temporary appeasements, quick fixes for the discomfort of not being in control of situations, feelings, circumstances.  I shrug at the thought of going back to that need to know place, relieved in the current knowledge that the facts don’t always have to add up and that the false sense of security that facts provide in the short term are just a puff of smoke, an exhale of cold breath.  In striving, there is an end goal, a I’ve got to get there urgency that steals from the experience of now.  My friend Keli has a delicious relationship with her morning coffee. She is a Starbucks fan and before she sips she simmers, savouring the experience she knows she will have as cup meets lips and coffee tantalizes waiting taste buds. She hesitates, knowing that she is going to have an experience, choosing to luxuriate and enjoyyyyyyyy, ahhhhhhhh.  Makes me want a coffee, how about you?  It is the delight of the experience that makes the coffee more delicious. It is the appreciation of the pleasure that makes every morning cup an event. Maybe striving isn’t so bad, if what you are striving for is the enjoyment of the simple things that make living something to relish.  Keli Nethercott, you joyful muse you, let’s have coffee soon.

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Linda Grace Byers

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