Linda Grace Byers

Setting Intentions

Christian Inspiration

Setting intentions is a fascinating endeavour. I have read many books on sales, motivation, self help, and my all time favourites, apologetics. Reading these books is the equivalent of a thousand peoples observations, succinctly placed in one easy to read volume(s).  I have read that brilliance is observation of patterns, noted and recorded, written and or verbalized. When I read and say yes, ah ha, that’s right, that’s it, it is me admiring what someone else has had the insight to see and name and then seemingly claim as their own, in writing.  That’s the end result, the written word, the start of something beautiful and edifying is the intention, the seed of genius awaiting its time to burst forth with leaves and branches in glorious living colour, giving full expression to not just an idea, but to a vision.  In coaching, the coach is a dog with a bone, at least I am, about the client knowing what it is they want, to be intentional about it, and in time, “it” IS…the client sometimes smoothly transitions from here to over there where their intentions live and that’s when the coach gets to say “SEEEEEE, LOOOK, YOU DID “IT”!!!”  Ha, yes, this is gratifying to write as I happily recall many an instance when it has been my pleasure to be able to celebrate intentions that made it into animated life with a client, especially when what they were afraid of, no longer exists!  My intentions?  To have a pure heart…it might take some time and I WILL, get there.

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