Resistance is futile. I write this with a grin as I think of coaching with motivated clients. We all wear armour but some of us find it heavy and cumbersome, weighing us down and impeding our movements. More than this, the armour keeps us separate from others, holding us stiffly in position without the ability to reach for and to draw near the heart of another. I will make a blanket statement here and say that those who seek coaching do so with half of their armour off, and the other half loosely clinging, ready to drop. We can compare the armour to reactions, perspectives, emotions, judgement, fear, worry, self doubt, unworthiness, insecurity, self pity, accusation…the list is endless. How did it get there? I don’t know, you tell me how yours got there and I’ll tell you how mine did and in the telling, pieces of our armour will fall to the ground, freeing us, the captives, as we microscopically see for the first time that “it” was there. Coaching for me is about freedom, to live and breath freely, to love without restraint, to be fearlessly me, untethered. Freedom awaits.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a