Today I coached, and it was good. How do I know this? Well, I could see the wheels turning in my clients minds, plus, I asked them! One thing I love about coaching is transparency, in the asking, in the telling, I know where I stand, I know where the other stands. This is learned, I was taught this by masterful coaches. Out of curiosity questions can be asked for the purpose of clarification. Today I assumed nothing in session and asked questions, with expectation or maybe more accurately, with anticipation. I had no answers, no clever advice, I had the here and now with each client and the delight of their unfolding, witnessing their epiphanies and learning ABOUT THEMSELVES. This had nothing to do with me…I know the gift, the offering of a loving coach, because I have been on the receiving end. Coaching, it is good, when the client is the only one in the room. Ego be damned, coaching rules!
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a