Truth and dare. Dare to tell the truth. I’m reading a book about truth telling, called Radical Honesty. I like honesty, and it likes me. In any seek and find mission, there is discovery and truth is no exception. This book I’m reading is a copy, it is one more voice in time calling, pleading for humanity to take account, be accountable, for feelings, thoughts, words, deeds, to be responsible and not commit the fraud of blaming another for where I am right now, who I am in any given moment, what I present to the world as a representation of being me. All books of Wisdom call out for Truth, and any and all recreation of this message is a replica, a copy. Lies lies lies yah, their going to get you, lies lies lies yeah…it’s an old song, a warning that the lies we tell, verbalized or withheld, they get us, keeping us restless and less than, captive to non truth. Honesty starts with me and then I must dare to take it to my people and hope and pray that they too, are on a seek and find mission for the Truth.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a