Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Waiting…I did a lot of that today. My husband had surgery on his nose, three hours of cut and paste, putting things where they belong so that he can breathe better and we can both get a good nights sleep, eventually. I’m waiting, at Tim Hortons, for prescriptions to be filled, and I am sleepy, quiet, by myself in and amongst people, alone and in couples.  There is no hurry, no worry, just this, me writing and waiting. Somehow, this is the most peaceful I have been in quite some time. Nowhere to go, nothing to see, just me and time and Tim’s of course. This is the first time in my life that I have sat solo, in a coffee shop, without waiting for someone to join me…huh, what’s next?

More Christian Inspiration

Linda Grace Byers

Sexual Sin

Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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