Linda Grace Byers

Noble Ones

Christian Inspiration

Today I am overcome, with the tender hearted, the noble ones who for the sake of another, forsake themselves. There is a “look away” feeling, a “don’t look at me” sense that I pick up as the noble ones are loathe to get to much attention but I can’t look away, I must gaze, drink them in, see them fully in their quiet majesty.  To not see them, to not notice, is to deny, reject a gift. Cloaked heavily in self depricating thoughts and words, they do not see themselves, they are the ones looking away, sorry, sorely wanting no one to know…they are the precious ones, they deserve the love, the attention, the appreciation for who they are.  I am lost, wanting for them, longing for them to know, to believe and see what is Truth…they are beautifully made.

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