Linda Grace Byers

Dark Cloud Mocked

Christian Inspiration

You are my dark cloud on a sunny day, you bring the rain and wash the rays away.  You see the dirt upon the snow, I can’t eat it now, where will I go, to get snow white, fresh crisp and clean, for you have peed where I want to glean…this is my mock tribute to all the naysayers, whiners, complainers. The people who ATTEMPT to make life miserable for the hopeful, the optimistic, the happily inclined. I would feel sorry for these “there’s always a black lining” people but I’m too busy feeling annoyed! What I love is the effervescence of the soul, the bright glowy part that shines out of the eyes, and rings clearly in the voice with joy, excitement and enthusiasm for what is good, true and right. The world owes us nothing, whatever we have is a gift and all can be taken away as easily as we got it…I say NO to those who try to dim the Light, and YES to the bubbling laughter that comes with appreciation for all that is and can be. 

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