Linda Grace Byers

For The Glory

Christian Inspiration

Playing favourites?  Have you ever played?  When I was growing up with my two sisters, there were a lot of comparisons made, setting us up for distrust in one another, petty arguments and fights, resentment. The comparisons came from the outside and were often said right in front of the three of us.  So and so is my favourite or that one is the prettiest, cruel and rude at best, these comments were made to make one girl feel special while the others felt thrown on the junk heep.  I weep now, at the realization that this caused us all much pain, and I am saddened at the thought that unwittingly, my sisters and I have born the scars and lived certain behaviours long into our adulthoods. The dynamic, the energy, the reactivity, the very existence of an embedded pattern shows up again and again, twisting and twirling in a dervish like dance, spinning out of control until…there it is, I can see it, I recognize the demented dance and I stop, dead in my tracks.  At almost 47, the lie of comparison is revealed.  Better than is broken.  Shine your light and let the whole world see is about self, not in comparison to another, but for the Glory of Him who made me.

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Linda Grace Byers

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