Today in church a Down’s syndrome man named Pete did his work as ambassador. Each time he is well enough to be in church, my heart swells up with appreciation for the sweet little man. When the band is playing, he often turns to the congregation and lifts his arm high for all to see, orchestrating the singing. If someone becomes emotional, he calls out, “you alright?”. During service, Pete works the crowd, shaking hands with the people gathered. Pete has many angelic qualities: he works for God; he is a messenger for God; he is fearless, sincere, guileless. Pride does not exist and he goes freely, offering welcome to all who see and hear the gift he generously wants to bestow. God gave him the gift of no self doubt, no indulgent thoughts of self preoccupation, as a perfect model of the love of Christ. Pete is a living breathing portrait of Christ, pure of heart and intention. I need only to look at Pete to be reminded to look up, and meet once again the gaze of my Saviour as He too, extends His hand in welcome to “come, follow me”.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a