One of the things I love most about coaching is the call to honesty. The client knows that they want something, that there is something missing in their lives but they can’t quite put their finger on it and in their eagerness to discover or uncover the unvoiced longing, they are willing to be vulnerable and open themselves up to a coaching relationship. Today I witnessed bravery in two clients, one acknowledging repeatedly that she no longer wants to hold someone else accountable or blame another for holding her back and the second, with trepidation, holding someone accountable in such a valiant way as to be a source of protection for those that could not protect themselves. It isn’t easy, being brutally honest, but without this honesty, there is no forward movement. Coaching is about accounability, responsibility to self first and more importantly, being responsible in the world, for what we think, what we say and do, because we impact others and the force should ALWAYS be used for good.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a