Linda Grace Byers

Money Monster Slayer

Christian Inspiration

Energetically, money is a scary thing for most people.  Money is talked about all of the time and is an idol, a real living and breathing thing in the imagination, a monster in the closet that screeches in a nails on a chaulk board kind of way “not enough, more, you need more of meeeeee”.  I am currently studying money, and what I’m noticing is that fear and frustration are partners in crime in the pysche of those who don’t understand money, have majical thinking about it, or see it as some kind of threat to their principals and morals ie the rich are greedy.  Yesterday, I presented a Say Yes To Money mini workshop to business women. Learning a profession is fabulous, edifying, AND expensive…learning that you are a salesperson first and foremost requires some insanely deep digging into self limiting beliefs.  Bringing a product or service to market is a must and yet, for the new entrepreneur, charging for services rendered can be embarrassingly painful.  I heard once “services rendered without payment are not valued”.  I add to this, services rendered without payment can cause irritation, disillusionment, disappointment and dissatisfaction for the service provider as they begin to recognize that while they are helping others, they are somehow hurting themselves. Getting paid for work is not mercenary, it is a well deserved exchange for what the client wants from the service provider, an Even~Steven honouring from one human being to another.  I am the Money Monster Slayer, on a quest to get clear and help others get clear about how valuable they are before they ever utter the words, my fee is…

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