Linda Grace Byers

Standing Ovation

Christian Inspiration

I have a 73 year old client.  She came to me for personal training with balance issues, postural dysfunction, but mostly, she came to me burdened. The weight on her shoulders was heavy, causing Dowengers hump.  Her eyes were perpetually downcast, thoughts of depression keeping her from looking up.  She wobbled and took steps slowly, governed by fear, seemingly ready for a potential stumble and fall, her internal perspective keeping her off balance…the inside dictates what we see on the outside and impacts how we are in the world.  During training, I told my client I am a coach, and a spark lite her eyes. We started coaching and continued training. Today, she taught me something new…using the BOSU, a piece of balance equipment that is a half ball, she showed me how to do a yoga shoulder stand~I was amazed, astounded and ever so slightly appalled at MYSELF!  This woman has lived a full life of raising children, self employment, marriage, successes, failures…she is a wealth of knowledge and she is NATURALLY CREATIVE RESOURCEFULL AND WHOLE!  She is learning skills from me~I am not the source of her strength, her transformation, her creativity, I am her mirror, holding up the image of her that I see as a powerful woman with infinite ability and strength. Shoulders back, gaze straight ahead, standing in her full height and deciding what she will do, when she will do it, and with clear intentions, my client is coming into her own, and I get to watch, step aside and give her a standing ovation.

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