I am reading a book about being “centred”. This term has always seemed too new agey to me, too airy fairy and pie in the sky, perhaps because I am easily distracted? Lately, I have decided to endure, remain in when the going gets tough. I am practicing the art of “stay”. Twice this week, I have been taken off guard because I have been told that my staying power was admirable. To hear someone acknowledge that they see what I have invisibly committed to is astonishing. It goes to show that when our outside matches our inner intentions, integrity of thought and action perfectly compliment one another. Which brings me to my most profound commitment, to love even when it is not returned, to forgive because I was first forgiven. Yesterday, I held anger, resentment toward another, today, I go to bed knowing that the only way to freedom is through love, which concurs all, and as I forgive, I let go, I release the other energetically too and my do no harm love for her returns.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a