Linda Grace Byers

The Key

Christian Inspiration

What do you want?  This is an all encompassing question. When I ask myself this question, I have to focus on a topic. What do I want in my life?  What do I want in my marriage?  What do I want in my business, my friendships, my relationships?  In coaching, powerful questions are the bedrock, the foundational on which all else is built.  It’s in the asking that something is stirred up, usually a buried longing begins to peek out tentatively, wondering, is it my turn, can it be that I will be listened to, will I finally be heard?  Once the questions have been asked and answers are given voice, the fulfilling can and usually does, begin, almost immediately.  If the question is the door, the answer is the key to unlock the door.  Once I ask and answer, I have already taken steps inside the former secret garden of my soul.

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Linda Grace Byers

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Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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