Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Today I attended a 7 a.m circuit training class. While the class was a challenge, my ego was a bigger challenge. As a personal trainer, I find it hard to take orders from another trainer, and while I am not competitive, it is all I could do this morning to NOT say, I’m a trainer!  Hahaha, humility is so lovely, so admirable when I witness it…why oh why do I struggle so much to submit, subvert, say “down doggie, DOWN BOY” to my ego, vanity?  It is so much easier to see myself as the expert, to hide behind bravado, rather than accept the offering from another. Coaching has turned me into a student. I am looking at others intently and more so, myself.  I love the days I have nothing to prove, to myself or anyone else.  Those are the days I live with others, and not in comparison to them.  Magnificent humility, come hither, I await you eagerly.

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Linda Grace Byers

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