The evolution of the soul can be excruciating, or delightful or sometimes surprisingly silent. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and so, whatever comes from the mouth is a clear indication of what is beneath the surface or as the bible says, what is in the heart. This simplifies the whole human experience, if it is permitted. What? Can it be this simple? If it were, Co~Active coaching would not exist or be necessary. When I was a U.W.O student, philosophy was my highest mark in first year and deeeeep thinking and brooding were painfully homey for me and so, I followed this easy fit and studied more philosophy. The homey feeling persisted until I encountered full on angry atheism, then brooding became dark and my existence and purpose in the world was something to be questioned and I fell into deep despair. My salvation from the dark night of the soul were the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, and his five proofs for the existence of God. This saved me from a despair that threatened to swallow me whole. Atheism is based on ego, personal resonance, what the atheist makes true. Christianity is the hardest choice in this life, because I sub plant me to honour another, my God, and in so doing I humbly submit, and strangers become brothers and sisters, in the family of God~doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. In knowing Him, my existence has meaning, purpose, and I go forth, to glorify Him.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a