Linda Grace Byers

The Giving

Christian Inspiration

Today makes 100 posts…and I am contemplative. My mind is…slow, my body is…still, my spirit is…unresolved.  I had my 3rd and last supervision today with someone I admire greatly. It makes me sad knowing it was our last, because in the learning, I have been exposed in so many ways.  Standing naked, soul exposed, for my betterment as coach, in aid of service for the other, the client who wants so much to live fully alive, embodying their values, living from choice, being on purpose. I am half way through certification and I have so much to learn, and so much to appreciate.  Being fiercely courageous in the noticing and sharing means being at risk, risking relationship break or hurting the other. My supervisor took risks today, feeding me back what he observed and teaching me kindly, but adamantly, where I could be stronger as coach so that ultimately, the client gets what they pay for in time, effort and money, more of the good stuff, more fulfillment, more.  As I received his expert guidance, he asked me, is this too much, may I go on?  I wanted all he had to say, trusting that he would give me what I need, without persona or ego or anything to prove~he was teacher, and I am grateful student.   His kindness in the giving has left it’s mark, and what is possible is the lasting impression.  He made sure I heard him too, as he championed me and acknowledged how far I have travelled thus far as coach.  I am blessed and grateful. My mind is…sparking with possibilities, my body is…energized, my spirit is…full of the breath of life. Thank You Lorry Schneider, for the giving.

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Linda Grace Byers

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Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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