Linda Grace Byers

Genteel Ways

Christian Inspiration

One of my all time favourite clients and I were talking during a personal training session yesterday. Michelle is extremely insightful and able to dissect what is going on with others and at any given time, what is going on within her. She has a rare and keen ability to see situations from all angles and then zoom in for a clear focus, naming “it”, whatever “it” may be, and proceeding with the truth nugget from there.  We spoke about what she calls mummy mode. Michelle was driving on the highway, solo, and was feeling a little nervous, until her first year university student son got into the car, and then there was a shift. Michelle went from nervous into mummy mode, instantly transforming into protector, strong one, calm for the sake of others, in control.  This begs the question of choice. The strong mother instinct started well before her sons were born, it started in the womb, and the same instinct is activated instantly each time she is in a position of taking care of those she committed to taking care of. Here’s the cool thing, in her letting go of her son (he has chosen to go away to school), Michelle overcame her mothering instincts to guard and protect her boy, in favour of trusting and knowing that he is well equipped to face his own world, protect himself, be at choice with come what may.  In the letting go, gradually, subltely, elegantly, Michelle empowered her son, and she is aware that in the letting go, she too is impacted.  Michelle is a gorgeous human being, an example to me as mother.  I love you Michelle Young and your genteel ways-xo Linda.

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