I have a great friend, someone who does things by the book, someone with the gifts of patience and integrity, and so many more. He sees past and through barriers, he sees whole people, inside and out, and he believes in them, invests in them, accepts them as is. Sometimes, his patience works against him and currently, his patience is being tested. Yesterday we met for coffee and as he shared some heavy personal experiences, I listened…and it hit me. He honours himself in his patience, with integrity, and he has a sterling silver reputation, he has always been kind of perfect. In the past, when he has told me about challenging relationships, I have counciled him to extracate himself from the mess, and this can be and has been, excellent advice. Yesterday, I saw him as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and I suggested~get messy, it’s good for you, you are always so perfect. There was something in his eyes that told me that’s what he needed to hear, somehow, I saw a glimmer of appreciation and relief. I didn’t try to steer him toward or away from anything, dispite the suggestion, and an old pattern broke, and I too, am relieved. In the messes, we find out who we really are. Much love Wally, your not so secret admirer.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a