Linda Grace Byers

Laughter and Delicious Truth

Christian Inspiration

Do it all again!  I wanna do my whole weekend all over again~that’s how it feels every time I come back from a CTI coaching weekend.  My vision for the weekend was that everyone would play in my bouncy castle, and everyone did.  I got to play, laugh with, learn from, listen to, some seriously brilliant and crazy mad silly adults.  Serious?  Yes, coaching is serious work, we coaches are serious about living life on purpose, with purpose, in an all-in kinda-heart-thumping-joyful way. That’s how I want to live, and I want everyone I lay my eyes on and think of to live their lives out loud, resonating with what is good, right and true.  Paying to take the courses, paying the expenses to volunteer at the courses,  it is a pittance compared to the return on my investment.  I want to capture the expressions on the faces, the wonder and delight I saw, and the knowing that I witnessed that somehow, they had returned home.  In the playground of the soul, serious work invites all aspects of the human being to show up, with a full range of expression.  Laughter, that is the prettiest sound to hear, and as I recall my weekend, I can hear the glorious laughter again…and it always followed on the heels of delicious Truth.

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