Linda Grace Byers

Kiss of Love

Christian Inspiration

I want the language of the heart to be my native tongue. Not everyone speaks it, not everyone understands it and I have to say, it is one of the most difficult langauges to learn with lots of nuance and subtlety and very few rules. You can speak love with your eyes, your hands, your feet, your ears, a nod, a wink, a smile, a knowing glance, a clear eyed stare…you can even use words.  Sometimes I am tentative with my love, unsure about the reception it will meet, mostly, I want to give and get love in a free flowing back and forth wave.  I want to love like my Master, My King, to give without the expectation of return or receipt~to love this way would be the ultimate freedom from fear, doubt, containment, restriction.  All you need is love, da da da daaaa, all I need is to give love, da da da daa. Each day I step out in faith, trusting that my love is enough, that I speak my native tongue with fluidity, and that those who have ears to hear, hear, those who have eyes to see, see and those whose hearts speak my native language, answer me with a kiss, of love.

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