Linda Grace Byers

Bouncy Castle

Christian Inspiration

Today was my first day of volunteering in a CTI course, Balance. As I listened to the students and their life purposes, I added a word to my own, it reads like this:  I am the invitation to the Truth in the playground of the soul…this must be said  will a deep voice that resounds in the body of the listener, for dramatic affect. One of the other volunteers and I stood quietly talking early in the day and he asked me a great question, something along the lines of what my vision for the weekend was.  I told Carlo that I saw all the students in a bouncy castle, my bouncy castle, because I wanted them to have fun.  He added to the metaphor and said that some people jump right in and bounce around, others tentatively and gingerly take steps, some would enter, leave and re enter and some would never go in. At the beginning of the day, I had resolved to behave myself, not be as kooky and playful but after encouragement from my fellow volunteers, I threw this idea out the window and I decided to not play safe, to have fun, and be my full on self, and I did my own form of bouncing around in the playground of the soul, and I HAD FUN!

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