Asking powerful questions has helped me tap into the Power of Heaven. Socrates said “all I know is that I know nothing”. I love this line because I too, know nothing, but not in a self depreciating and false humility kind of way, but in the sense that I have no clue what is going on in the heart or head of a client until I ask a question based on what they say…It feels like I was playing pin the tail on the donkey coaching before, as I searched around and tried to figure out what was going on over there, in there, with the other. Now, I get to be curious, ask questions and wait with baited breath to hear the answers! How glorious, because the answers are more spectacular and powerful than I could have imagined or come up with~people really, truly, supremely and ultimately are, naturally creative, resourceful and whole….ahhhh, life is good and Heaven is really pretty.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a