I am in the midst of full on coaching certification and I grin as I type this because as I learn the art of self management, I also learn the art of masterful coaching. Self management is elusive, with ego rearing its bossy head to be acknowledged, petted, revered for its clever clarity and smartness. I am in the module called Process, one of my all time favourite deepening and forwarding coaching methodologies. In Process the question is “what can’t you be with”. When the client begins to answer this question, they get in touch with the very ideas or feelings that impact their daily lives, with or without their conscious acknowledgement. It’s like the tail wagging the dog, whether we like it or not, what we don’t want to deal with somehow always finds a way to be front and centre. During process, clients can get emotional and as coach, I am responsible ONLY, to the client, and in this responsibility, I must hold them as naturally creative, resourceful and whole…this means that when they cry, express anguish, fear or even joy and happiness, it behooves me to let them, encourage them, and know that in the end, they will have their own experience, survive and thrive, without my two cents worth. The coach is the guide on the side, invited for the ride…ok, that is cheesy but its staying!
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a