Today I experienced angst, a trapped or more aptly stated, entrapped feeling that had me resorting to old fight or flight patterns that have me vilify my would be attacker and have me scratch and claw the air with my self defensive words while sharing with my husband. My husband is an honest, modest, diplomatic man, and I asked him for help in dealing with the situation and with resolute calm, he gave me words to use to extracate myself from an uncomfortable spot. As I processed the situation, I recognized my irritation was more about me, and less about the person I was vilifying. The expression beware of a wolf in sheeps clothing comes to mind when I think of this person and so, I have a valid sensitivity with regard to the behaviour I was subjected to, but the heart of the matter, or perhaps the liver of the matter (that’s where anger resides in the body, that bile place!), is that I had warning signs, that manipulation was afoot and that I was being used for the benefit of another with disregard for my welbeing. It’s the I should have know feeling that we ALL experience at one time or another in life and the when will I learn after thoughts and words that really get me every time. Inherent in this aftermath is a belief, an assumption, that we should be smart enough to not get tricked…but what I am learning, and this is the gift, is that most of us, me included, do believe in The Golden Rule, Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. I will not blame myself for being trusting, I will acknowledge that not every one follows The Rule, and it’s a shame, and the accountability for this is all theirs. This is for all the kind, loving people I know, who with gentle loving hearts, have suffered loss at the hands of less than humane people…God sees all.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a