Last night I coached a client and got a well deserved reminder of what is and isn’t coaching. As coach, I must, and I mean must, see my clients as creative, resourceful and whole. Coaching is a uniquely wonderful relationship, with an agreement that adults are responsible for themselves and capable of making healthy choices and working through tough spots in order to live a more resonant and purposeful life. Last night, I went into problem solving mode, making suggestions that might work for the client, things I WOULD DO in HER situation. Hahahaha, the client looked at me and said “well that would work for YOU, but not for me”, or something to that affect and it stopped me dead it my tracks! How awesome is that? I acknowledged the truth of her statement and congratulated her for sticking up for herself. It was a bitter sweet moment, gratifying and dumbfounding all at once…as coach, I had somehow failed and magically succeeded all at once. Within the coaching relationship, this client felt safe enough to point out when I was moving away from her, who she is, what she needs, and moving toward me, my need to solve puzzles (not problems), my ego, my need to be “right” or look good (smart). My client IS creative, resourceful and whole and she will come up with new and innovative ways to go about life and make resonant choices for herself, I just needed a reminder and maybe, she needed to say it out loud to someone who wants the very best for her. Oh coaching, how I love you, and want you in my DNA.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a