Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Bears.  Bears are on my mind.  I’m going kayaking this week and bears are dominating my thoughts.  Will I see one before he sees me?  We humans eat bear claws, will I be a bear snack in the even steven world we live in?  I wanna see a bear, I wanna hang out with a bear and even pet him, how realistic is that?  My dog is lying on my lap, maybe I can cuddle a real live furry bear…or maybe I will run for my life from a hungry bear that wants a piece of campy sunburnt meat.  Yeah, I know what is going on here, my Captain and my saboteur are battling for my rights to fulfillment and fear. My Captain speaks faith and freedom and filling up with peace and quiet and nature. My saboteur says stay safe, there is too much to lose, do you really want to be EATEN?  My saboteur has made this kayaking trip into a dangerous, life threatening non essential endeavour but I know better. I know that when fear rears its ugly head, I am on the cusp of some great adventure, some beyond imagining learning that inspires me and makes me glowy with joy. I will go and meet my Captain in the woods, and on the water and I will see Him in the stars and the suns rising and setting…faith wins, fear loses its grip and I truly live.

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Linda Grace Byers

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