“In ancient literature, an epiphany was the appearance of a deity or a demonstration of divine power that evoked worship”. I was so excited to read about the original use, meaning and power in this word. It stopped me in my tracks as I read my bible, and recognized the wonder that is evoked each time I have an epiphany and as I connect to the origins, I connect to the First, The Last, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End. Watered down words, remnants of meaning, that is the language we speak and yet, and yet, some words have the power to express transformative change in the quiet of a moment, spent with God Almighty. The fact that an epiphany “evokes worship” is even more spectacular, because it isn’t the new and energizing thought that we worship, it must be the Power Source, the one from whom the thought and its descriptor originated…yes, this is philosophical, but it is the Bread of life to me, to know that God communicates even when I can’t label that I have been in His presence and didn’t always know that I had been. I started my day with the intent to be with and to worship my God, and in the doing, I had epiphany.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a