Linda Grace Byers

Work and Play

Christian Inspiration

Today, while in the midst of getting “stuff” done, I realized I was hungry…I was taking care of business but I hadn’t taken of myself.  I stopped , took a breathe and asked myself, what’s the urgency?  In my eagerness to make the most of my time, I forgot myself in the fray. I’m thinking, I’m knowing, that this is such a common experience for many, and I’m wondering again, what is the urgency?  When I’m in a hurry, I don’t enjoy anything, I get through things and move on to the “next”. I don’t want to live in next, so today, I made a choice, I chose self care in the form of good food, swimming, hanging out with my husband and laughing, painting my toe nails and I also chose work.  My dad worked until he died…he worked on a Wednesday and died on the Friday…he worked himself to death.  I stand again, looking at the possibilities, all the ways I can spend my time, work is one lovely option, along with swimming, laughing, playing, eating, need I go on?

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Linda Grace Byers

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