I had an invitation on LinkedIn recently and while I did not recognize the person making the connection request, I felt compelled to accept the request, and I felt that somehow, the decision would be a good one. If you are betting that I was right, then you win! As a result of the connection, I got another invitation, an offer to try a service. I took the offer an had an amazing adjustment/treatment from an incredibly kind, talented, professional osteopath named Bradley Dundas. As a result, I simply had to get some healing for my mother, and she too, experienced great pain relief. My point? Life is full of invitations, and healing is one of them. Being wounded can be a way of life, a holding on to what no longer works but somehow is more comfortable than healing. It is always a happy surprise to me, that as I seek to understand, to heal, to become whole in mind body and spirit, that I invariably get an invitation. Ask and yea shall receive~how delightful.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a