Perception is everything. What if perception is misconception, and it causes us to stubble and fall as we mis-step our way through the world? Black white, right wrong, good bad, kind mean, beautiful and ugly~they aren’t just opposites of each other, and I don’t want to talk about shades of grey inbetween these extremes. I have lived a life of extremes, all or nothing thinking with being good, fit, happy or sad etcetera. The extremes can be great, like when I ran so hard that I almost passed out and while I gasped for air, I knew I was strong, I survived, and the feeling that my lungs were going to burst was just a sign of hard work, not eminent death. The extremes are great when I have had a “perfect” day, when I have said and done all the right things and the world seems to sing in tune with MY SONG and heartbeat. The extremes haven’t been so great, when I find I just can’t keep up with some crazy standard that I have set for myself or when I feel like I am not measuring up to some standards silently and secretly imposed on my by others and the sense of failure hits like a wrecking ball. Here is never neverland, the misconceptions that lead us by the nose ring this way and that. In coaching, the client is allowed to be right, encouraged to be right, and also encouraged to find themselves, to sort out and see what is theirs, what belongs to others and is imposed on them, challenged to question their perceptitions and most importantly, discover or uncover what they really want and what is possible in their lives. The extremes are two possibilities in a full range of amazing and astounding possibilities, all ready and awaiting discovery and enlivenment. I am enjoying the possibilities, they are like the best box of chocolates…”you never know what chur gonna get”.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a